Who We Are
The Australian Childcare Alliance Victoria (ACA Victoria) is a not-for-profit, member-funded organisation supporting and advocating for privately owned long day care centres.
ACA Victoria works on behalf of long day care service owners and operators, as a reputable source of evidence-based advice to policy makers and a trusted source of practical guidance to service operators.
We represent more than 500 members throughout Victoria.
ACA Victoria has existed in various forms for more than 30 years. Our experience means that we understand the critical role that quality early learning services play in our communities and their important role in preparing children for the best start in life and learning.
Advocacy with impact for the early childhood education and care sector
A voice and support for our members; driving success for the early learning community.
Championing excellence in outcomes for the early learning community, leading to children’s success in life.
To lead with respect and integrity
To collaborate and innovate
To champion excellence
To embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion