Imagine having a platform where your voice is heard, your questions are answered, and your passion for early childhood education is supported. Somewhere your contribution counts and a strong network supports you.
That’s what ACA Victoria offers—a space where you have sector resources, expert advice and opportunities to learn, grow and network – with the shared goal of helping to shape the future of early learning in Victoria.
As the peak body for privately run long day care services, we are fierce advocates for high quality early childhood education and care. ACA Victoria is supported by our national body, the Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA), which tirelessly represents long day care providers in State and Federal Government matters. We are your voice.
Member Benefits
ACA Victoria members enjoy continued guidance, advocacy and updates on important changes in the sector. We support you in providing quality early learning to the children in your care.
ACA Victoria’s support enables you to navigate the challenges of working within this highly regulated and competitive sector.
The early childhood education and care sector is dynamic, ever-evolving, and crucial to the future of our children. Together, we can navigate its challenges, celebrate its triumphs, and make a lasting impact on the youngest generation.


Essential news and updates

Free workplace relations phoneline

Networking and learning

Professional advice and support

Member pricing for events
Sign up now or call our Membership Team on 03 9532 2017
New member application form
Please complete the form, we will contact you and you’ll be an ACA Victoria member in no time!
Contact us
If you are still starting out on your journey to owning an early learning service, we can help you get started with a Provisional Membership