Maximising your Assessment & Rating...Learnings for Stretch - Catharine Hydon

Wed 2 October 2024
10:00am - 4:00pm (UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Australian Childcare Alliance Victoria
Level 1, 1535 Dandenong Road
Register Now

Assessment and Rating (A & R) can offer opportunities to plan for, practice and articulate high-quality practice.  In this interactive workshop leaders will be invite to consider the possibilities for stretch in the A & R context.  Rather than seeing this as a process to ‘get through’, the assessment process can be reimagined to offer educators to identify pedagogical depth, demonstrate creativity and innovation and speak up about place-based approach that support the rights and best interest of children in local communicates. 

If the assessment and rating process is seen as a challenge rather than a possibility this is the session for you!



Catharine Hydon

Catharine Hydon has a Diploma of Teaching (Early Childhood), a Masters (Early Child Education - specialising in practice and governance) & is the director & Principal Consultant at Hydon Consulting. With over 30 years of experience leading & advocating for quality Early Childhood Education & Care, Catharine is an expert in her field.
