ACA Victoria and Guild Insurance have been in proud partnership for over 30 years. Thanks to over 45 years of experience in the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector, Guild understands that keeping one eye on the children in your care and the other on your business can be difficult at the best of times. That’s where Guild Insurance comes in. Whether you own an established business or are about to open your first early learning centre, Guild works with you to provide the right cover for your business.
ACA Victoria provides Guild with real-life insights into ECEC, facilitating the creation of tailored business insurance policies for early learning services. By working together, we’re able to achieve something bigger – protecting the future of ECEC.
When you choose to be part of something bigger with Guild, you benefit from:
• Abuse cover included as standard up to $10,000,000, per service location.
• In the event of a total loss, Reinstatement Plus cover provides a safety net on top of sums insured.
• Business interruption cover.
• Accidental damage cover, including shade sails and landscaping.
• We will cover replacement staff wages up to a maximum of 3 months and $20,000 when a staff member is stood down due to a regulatory investigation into allegations of abuse.
• Introduction of a water-saving device incentive to reduce water damage risk, claims and excess.
• Up to $50,000 for public relations costs for covered claims, including abuse and molestation-related matters.
• Free risk management tools and free telephone legal advice up to a maximum of 6 hours for employment and regulatory issues.
• Fast settlement of claims to reinforce your good reputation.
• Partnership with your own account manager who will get to know your business, tailor your coverage to meet your needs, and be there when you need them.
Find out more
For all other enquiries or to discuss your unique insurance requirements, please call 1800 810 213 to speak with Guild’s friendly insurance specialists, email melbournebcmailbox@guildinsurance.com.au or visit guildne.ws/ACAVictoria
Don’t forget to check out RiskHQ, Guild’s free hub of risk mitigation tools and resources at guildne.ws/ACARHQ
Insurance issued by Guild Insurance Limited ABN 55 004 538 863, AFSL 233791 and subject to terms, conditions and exclusions. Guild Insurance supports ACA Victoria through the payment of referral fees. This information is of a general nature only. Please refer to the policy wording and policy schedule for details. For more information call 1800 810 213. EAR426920 ACA Victoria partner page 01/2025