International Women’s Day 2024

This is a special day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

The early learning education and care sector, which plays a pivotal role in shaping future generations, is predominantly staff by women.

These women are not merely educators, they are nurturers, mentors, and positive role models. These women lay the foundations for children’s development, learning and growth. They inspire inclusion every day.

As leaders within this sector, we inspire inclusion and chip away at gender parity through supporting services like yours to provide quality early learning care for children. In this way we start to unlock the full potential of our workforce. We create opportunities for women to excel in their careers, to be leaders and decision-makers and to have a voice in shaping policies and practices that impact the lives of children and families.

Closer to home, at ACA Victoria/Tasmania we are celebrating the strong and intelligent women on our Board – Tonii Tran, Nicole Llewellyn, Jennifer Kearney, Sarah Tullberg, Brooke Eerden and Sally Orr. And the cohesive and talented team working in our Head Office – Sarah Matheson, Jessica Seddon, Sally Vanston, Laura Witzand Priya Rajoo and Emily Orr. And of course, we take our hats off to those on the ground running businesses, leading teams and guiding children to achieve their best.

Inspiring women come in all shapes and sizes, and today is the perfect day to celebrate the women in your life. Think about the amazing things they do and how their strength can lift others around them.

Let’s celebrate all women, our differences, our dreams and goals. Let’s lift each other up and Inspire Inclusiveness.

What Inspire Inclusion means to us…


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